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来源:小区生活吧更新时间:05月08日 03:15

1.He has made up his mind to take up the challenge. 他已经下定决心接受挑战。
2.She tried to act nonchalant, but it was obviously a ploy. 她试图装出一副无所谓的样子,但明显这是个伎俩。
3.The president's speech was constructed to make a point. 总统的演讲结构上都是为了讲一个道理。
4.He concocted a story to cover up the truth. 他想出一个故事来掩盖真相。
5.He improvised an answer when he was asked an unexpected question. 他在被问到一个意想不到的问题时就即兴作答。
6.He invented a new method to solve the problem. 他发明了一种新方法解决问题。
7.She fabricated several lies to protect herself. 她编造了几个谎言来保护自己。
8.They coined new words for their own purposes. 他们为自己的目的创造了新词语。
