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来源:小区生活吧更新时间:05月07日 20:11
1. Tighten up the screws to make sure the machine is secure. 使用螺丝拧紧,确保机器安全。
2. We need to tighten up security measures in this area. 我们需要加强这个地区的安全措施。
3. The government needs to tighten up regulations on the sale of alcohol. 政府需要加强对酒类销售的监管。
4. Parents must tighten up their control over their children's internet use. 父母必须加强对孩子网络使用的管控。
5. Our team needs to tighten up our defense if we hope to win the game. 如果我们想赢得比赛,我们的团队需要加强防守。
6. They are planning to tighten up their budget and cut spending. 他们计划收紧预算,减少开支。
7. All citizens must tighten up their belts and prepare for the economic downturn. 所有公民都必须勒紧腰带,为经济衰退做准备。
8. The teacher told the students to tighten up their pencils and get ready for a quiz. 老师叫学生们把铅笔拧紧,准备作测验。
