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来源:小区生活吧更新时间:05月07日 15:00

1.I will cover all the details. 我将覆盖所有细节。
2.The rain covered the ground. 雨淋湿了大地。
3.She hastily covered her face with a scarf. 她急忙用围巾遮住了脸。
4.The snow covered the whole forest. 雪覆盖了整片森林。
5.He tried to cover up his mistake. 他竭力掩盖他的错误。
6.The plants covered the hillside. 植物们覆盖着山坡。
7.We need to cover the windows with curtains. 我们需要用窗帘把窗户遮住。
8.The clouds didn't cover the sun completely. 云层没有完全覆盖住太阳。
