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来源:小区生活吧更新时间:05月08日 06:29

1. I'll take my leave, never to return. 我告辞,永不再返。
2. He has done with this matter once and for all. 他对此事一概作罢。
3. She made up her mind to make a clean break from him.她下定决心要和他断绝关系。
4. He turned his back on the opportunity, preferring to risk his future. 他拒绝了这个机会,宁愿冒险走向未来。
5. She opted to set out anew in life. 她选择了重新开始新生活。
6. She decided to put an end to it all. 她决定彻底把这事干完。
7. She made up her mind to bring matters to a close. 她下定决心要结束此事。
8. She is determined to carry through. 她决定要坚持到底。
