小区吧首页 / 组词造句/修持造句


来源:小区生活吧更新时间:04月27日 19:05

1. 修持是一个长期艰苦的过程,需要耐心和恒心。
(Practice requires patience and perseverance over a long period of time.)
2. 良好的修持状态是一个人成长与进步的关键。
(A good state of practice is the key to a person's growth and progress.)
3. 在佛法中,修持是对自己的内心进行深刻的反省和净化。
(In Buddhism, practice is a profound reflection and purification of one's inner self.)
4. 为了能够达到深度的修持境界,我们需要持之以恒地坚持修行。
(In order to reach a deep state of practice, we need to persistently practice.)
5. 修持既要注重在生活中的实践,更要注重在心灵上的内化。
(Practice should not only focus on practical daily life, but also on internalization of the mind.)
6. 对于佛教徒来说,修持是通过自我提升来提高自己的智慧和境界。
(For Buddhists, practice is about elevating oneself and increasing one's wisdom and realm.)
7. 修持不应该只是一种习惯,而应该成为一种信仰和生活方式。
(Practice should not just be a habit, but a belief and way of life.)
8. 每个人都应该在日常生活中把修持融入其中,并努力将其贯彻到自己的人生中。
(Everyone should integrate practice into their daily lives, and strive to implement it into their lives.)
