小区吧首页 / 组词造句/作得造句


来源:小区生活吧更新时间:05月08日 04:21

1.aspire: He aspires to become a successful entrepreneur one day. 他渴望有一天成为一名成功的企业家。
2.objective: Our objective is to provide fast, efficient service. 我们的目标是提供快速高效的服务。
3.prevail: The influence of the novel prevailed over the audience. 这部小说对观众的影响十分巨大。
4.presume: I presume that you have read the book before. 我假定你之前读过这本书。
5.convey: Through his speech, he conveyed his enthusiasm for sports. 通过他的演讲,他传达出了他对体育的热爱。
6.establish: He established himself as an excellent carpenter. 他在木匠行业打下了自己的一片天地。
7.argue: I argued with my friend about which restaurant to go to. 我和朋友争论去哪个餐厅。
8.dilemma: She was in a dilemma about whether she should take the job or not. 她正为是否接受这份工作而犹豫不定。
