小区吧首页 / 成语造句/穷源朔流造句


来源:小区生活吧更新时间:05月19日 08:40
1. The source of the problem must be identified before we can trace it to its last consequence.
2. He searched for the root cause of his misfortune, tracing it to its source.
3. She was determined to go back to the sources of the problem in order to find a lasting solution.
4. By mapping out the source of the difficulty, they discovered where it had originally stemmed from.
5. We need to examine the source of the issue and track it to its source.
6. The team conducted a thorough investigation to trace the issue to its source.
7. His curiosity led him to trace the river upstream to its source.
8. He followed the path of least resistance, tracing it to its source.
