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来源:小区生活吧更新时间:05月04日 21:53
1. 他一发脾气就血口喷人。He would fly off the handle and start spouting blood from his mouth.
2. 别让那个讨厌的家伙血口喷你。Don't let that hateful guy spout blood at you.
3. 他又血口喷起来,口出不逊之语。He started spouting blood again, uttering blasphemous words.
4. 这是一场充满了敌意的争论,他们互相血口喷人。It was a hostile argument, with them accusing each other of spouting blood.
5. 总理一血口喷人,他的见解就被抛到九霄云外。As soon as the Prime Minister had blurted out his opinion, it was thrown out of the window.
6. 我们的愤怒让我们血口喷人,但是最后仍然团结在一起。Our rage caused us to spout blood at each other, but we ended up sticking together in the end.
7. 谁也没有料到陈老师竟然会血口喷大家。No one expected Mr. Chen to spout blood at everyone.
8. 当时所有人都看到他血口喷人,大家都感到了惊讶。Everyone saw him spouting blood, and everyone felt surprised.
