小区吧首页 / 成语造句/求浆得酒造句


来源:小区生活吧更新时间:05月19日 07:43
1. He toiled hard and finally got the wine he deserved.
2. She worked hard and achieved success, just like getting wine by grinding.
3. His tireless efforts finally earned him the fruits of his labor - the wine that comes from pounding.
4. To gain a full-bodied cup of wine, he resorted to grinding, not just relying on luck.
5. All his hard work and perseverance paid off, as he successfully reaped the rewards of grinding for wine.
6. After a lot of hard work, he managed to obtain the wine his grinding had earned.
7. The wine of his labour was only achievable if he was willing to work for it, pound for pound.
8. To obtain the sweet wine he desired, he knew that he must grind and strain to achieve it.
