小区吧首页 / 成语造句/哭天喊地造句


来源:小区生活吧更新时间:05月09日 07:35
1. He was so shocked that he cried out and banged the ground in despair.
2. I was so anxious that I shouted and wept all over the place.
3. She felt tremendous grief, so she wept and screamed until her throat was hoarse.
4. After hearing the news, he was so devastated that he cried and raved like mad.
5. The outcome of the game was so unexpected that he yelled and thumped the ground with his fists.
6. When he saw the accident, he shouted and banged the ground with his fists out of helplessness.
7. He was so angry that he screamed and pounded the floor continuously.
8. She wept and screamed until she felt completely exhausted from all the emotion.
