小区吧首页 / 成语造句/腹饱万言造句


来源:小区生活吧更新时间:05月05日 14:54
1.He has such a great wealth of knowledge that his stomach is full of words.
2.Living a rich life, she is endowed with abundant words arising from her thoughts.
3.He often speaks a lot, as if his belly is full of words.
4.That scholar has the ability to talk non-stop, and his ideas overflow like an ocean.
5.She speaks wise words, and it seems she has been bestowed with endless wisdom.
6.He has so many random thoughts that it’s as if he has thousands of words in his stomach.
7.She never runs out of ideas for conversation and has an abundance of words in her mind.
8.He is always talking, as though the proverb ‘the stomach is full of words’ applies to him.
