小区吧首页 / 成语造句/熏莸不同器造句


来源:小区生活吧更新时间:05月04日 15:17
1. Even though the mallow and the garlic look similar, they come from different plants.
2. The bitter melon and the sweet okra have similar appearances, but their tastes are completely different.
3. Although the tomato and the eggplant seem alike, they actually have distinct characteristics.
4. Although they have the same size, the apple and the pear have distinctly different flavors.
5. Even though the mole and the mole cricket may appear similar, they respond to different conditions.
6. The white cabbage and the red cabbage look the same, however, their nutrients are quite different.
7. Despite having a similar shape, the cucumber and the zucchini differ in their texture.
8. Though the gourd and the melon look the same, their requirements for growing are not the same.
