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来源:小区生活吧更新时间:05月06日 03:13
1. When folly begets misfortune, it often brings disaster to the elbow and arm.
2. Unwise actions will ultimately bring about one's own suffering sooner or later.
3. Folly sometimes leads to unexpected harm like shooting oneself in the foot.
4. If you're not careful, misfortune from your own recklessness might land on your shoulders.
5. Even if one's stupidity has created a mess, they cannot blame anyone else for the hardship.
6. Disasters are often born from foolishness that affect not only the person but also those around him.
7. He brought trouble upon himself through his own foolishness, digging himself into an even bigger hole.
8. She blamed bad luck for her woes and didn't realize that it was her own recklessness which had caused her to suffer in the end.
