小区吧首页 / 成语造句/负恩昧良造句


来源:小区生活吧更新时间:05月05日 04:03
1. He showed his gratitude to his benefactor by repaying her kindness with an unspoken act of kindness.
2. He knew that his benefactor had done much to help him, so he chose to repay his debt in a subtle way.
3. He was aware that his benefactor had done much for him and therefore he showed his appreciation through an act of favor in silence.
4. In expressing his thanks, he remained silent and demonstrated his personal bond with his benefactor by showing his acceptance without questions.
5. He used the phrase "fù ēn mèi liáng" to describe his attitude of looking kindly upon the one who had helped him.
6. He chose to remain silent and hold an understanding of the good deed done for him, rather than express his appreciation.
7. In return for his benefactor's help, he gave back by silently demonstrating his trust and loyalty in their relationship.
8. By responding without words, he showed his recognition of the support he had received and expressed his gratitude in a special way.
