小区吧首页 / 成语造句/谬采虚誉造句


来源:小区生活吧更新时间:05月09日 03:39
1.He liked to praise himself lavishly despite his lack of abilities, an example of taking the ridiculous for the sublime.
2. Though I found flaws in his work, he was full of self-admiration and trumpeted his own praises – a case of mistaken overestimation.
3. She always boasted about her nonexistent talents, a clear violation of the adage “Don’t take the hollow for the genuine".
4. His attempts to make people believe he was something he wasn't was an obvious case of taking the absurd for the noble.
5. She always credited herself with achievement she had not earned, a perfect illustration of 'the absurd mistaken for the sublime'.
6. His exaggerated claims of being able to do anything were obviously a display of taking the outrageous for the esteemed.
7. He constantly made it seem like he was someone he was not – a striking representation of attempting the ridiculous for the revered.
8. Her wild exaggerations of her accomplishments were a classic example of mistaking the foolish for the honourable.
