小区吧首页 / 成语造句/逆子贼臣造句


来源:小区生活吧更新时间:05月04日 04:20
1. An ungrateful child can be a thief or traitor.
2. After being spoiled, the son acted like a thief and a traitor.
3. He grew up to be a thief and a traitor, because he was unappreciative of his parents' love.
4. The king felt betrayed by her own sons, who had become thieves and traitors.
5. Do not trust someone who is unappreciative and ungrateful, for they may turn into a thief or a traitor.
6. A person who does not respect his family is likely to become a thief or traitor.
7. An ungrateful person can betray his own family and become a thief or traitor.
8. He had always been ungrateful, but never thought he would become a thief and a traitor.
