小区吧首页 / 成语造句/泼妇骂街造句


来源:小区生活吧更新时间:05月03日 15:42
1. The scolding woman on the street had a really loud voice.
2. People on the opposite side of the street could hear the woman's scolding.
3. Many passers-by stopped in their tracks and looked over at the scolding woman.
4. Some of the people on the street made fun of the woman who was scolding.
5. Everyone was amazed by the loud voice of the woman who was scolding in the street.
6. The woman's scolding echoed down the street, causing quite a stir.
7. Neighbours came out of their houses to witness the scolding woman on the street.
8. A commotion was caused when the woman scolded on the street corner.
