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来源:小区生活吧更新时间:05月04日 08:01
1. His parents gave him a severe scolding with eyes flashing and teeth clenched.
2. He was so angry that he glared at her with eyes blazing and teeth gritted.
3. The manager's stern look with furrowed brows and gritting teeth was enough to put fear in the hearts of all his workers.
4. The principal's face turned red and his mouth tightened into a thin line as he spoke with a menacing gaze.
5. His face became a mask of rage as he glared fiercely, his teeth clamped together.
6. She looked at him with venom in her eyes and her teeth clenched together in anger.
7. His face grew dark and his jaw tightened as he shot a heated glance at me.
8. I could feel the tension in the room as he spoke between gritted teeth and an angry glare.
