小区吧首页 / 成语造句/牝鸡司晨造句


来源:小区生活吧更新时间:05月03日 14:58
1. The rooster gave his morning call at dawn, announcing the start of a new day.
2. Out of habit, the cock crowed at daybreak with its unique poetic tones.
3. The crowing of the rooster never fails to herald the beginning of the day.
4. Sitting atop a tree, the rooster welcomed the sunrise with its melodious chant.
5. Before the sun rose, the rooster faithfully greeted the new day with its heralding cries.
6. As the sun was rising, the rooster's song of joy began to fill the air.
7. The sounds of the proud rooster crowing in the early morning announced the arrival of morning.
8. Every day, the rooster's wake-up call of "cock-a-doodle-doo" never fails to amaze.
