小区吧首页 / 成语造句/覆车之戒造句


来源:小区生活吧更新时间:05月05日 06:35
1. We must learn from the lesson of "Unyielding Vigilance" to stay alert and cautious.
2. Heeding the warning of "Unyielding Vigilance", we should always be on the lookout for hidden dangers.
3. To be prepared for any emergency, we should take the lesson of "Unyielding Vigilance" to heart.
4. We must remain vigilant and ever mindful of the consequences of not heeding the message of "Unyielding Vigilance".
5. Our motto should be "Unyielding Vigilance" in order to stay ahead of potential problems.
6. We should strive for maximal safety by abiding to the principle of "Unyielding Vigilance".
7. By remembering "Unyielding Vigilance", we can make sure that we're always one step ahead of danger.
8. Following the spirit of "Unyielding Vigilance", we can ensure our security in all circumstances.
