小区吧首页 / 成语造句/枯苗望雨造句


来源:小区生活吧更新时间:05月08日 21:33
1. The farmers' drought-stricken fields, like dried-up saplings eagerly awaiting rainfall, were a sad sight to behold.
2. With the expectation of rain, dried saplings, despairingly, scanned the heavens from their grey and barren land.
3. The impoverished farmers, standing in the midst of so many withered saplings, longed desperately for rain.
4. With the earth parched and dry as an old bone, the saplings waited patiently for moisture to nourish them once again.
5. Every withered sapling seemed to be pleading with the heavens for a drop of rain.
6. The poor farmers looked on helplessly as their wilted saplings desperately sought relief from the sun's relentless siege.
7. The almost despairing hope in the hearts of the farmers was mirrored on the faces of their wasted saplings, silently begging for rain.
8. On this desolate patch of land, the saplings yearned desperately for the promise of a spring shower, offering up their prayers in the form of "Kumiao Wangyu".
