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来源:小区生活吧更新时间:05月06日 05:49
1. The reputation of the politician was destroyed by a single rumor of corruption, like a rotten grain of millet causes the whole batch to be spoiled.
2. The proverb "pass rotten millet and you will be sure to find corruption" refers to the idea that if you let unpromising people in, they will bring harmful influences.
3. He tried to overlook the signs of corruption, but he realized he was surrounded by the rotten millet.
4. It was clear that his ideals were smashed by the corrupting power of the rotten millet.
5. After years of following the same "rotten millet" philosophy, the government was in disarray.
6. The policy of seeking out and punishing immoral behavior was seen as proof of the "rotten millet" proverb.
7. If you want to avoid the corrupting influence of rotten millet, you should choose your associates carefully.
8. Sooner or later, those who take part in the game of corruption are bound to be exposed and the rotten millet will spread its foul odor.
