小区吧首页 / 成语造句/年头月尾造句


来源:小区生活吧更新时间:05月04日 03:48
1. At the beginning and end of the year, my motivation is always high.
2. At the start and close of every month, I count my blessings.
3. I'm thankful for all the successes I've had throughout the year, starting right at the beginning and ending at the end.
4. Every January and December I reflect on all the things I did in between that time.
5. I'm always looking back to the first of the year and the last of the year to see how much I've grown.
6. As the year progresses, I stay focused on my goals, starting in the new year and finishing up in December.
7. The end of the year brings me hope and anticipation for the next one, beginning with January.
8. After a long year full of highs and lows, I'm always glad to reach the final month of the year and begin a new one.
