小区吧首页 / 成语造句/鸟语花香造句


来源:小区生活吧更新时间:05月04日 13:02
1. The birds sang in the gazebo, filling the air with a sweet fragrance of blossoms.
2. The nightingale sang its songs as if it was spreading the aroma of flowers.
3. The air around the cherry tree was filled with the scent of flowers and the chirping of birds.
4.The birds chirped over the garden, the floral fragrances overpowering the air.
5. During springtime, the songbirds filled the garden with birdcalls and the sweet aroma of flowers.
6. As the sun rose, the garden was filled with the sound of birds and the sweet scent of blossoms.
7. The morning breeze brought in the perfume of flowers and the melodic tones of birds.
8. The birds serenaded the blooming flowers, their tunes carrying on the fragrance of petals through the air.
