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来源:小区生活吧更新时间:05月08日 14:00
1. He and his friends have become so close that they often do everything together, just like friends who are as close as glue.
2. He has a lot of friends, but he trusts the ones he considers as real friends who can be like a brother to him.
3. His friend circle is full of those who share mutual understanding and bond with each other like wild ducks that flock together.
4. They have been through thick and thin together, laughing and crying like peas in a pod.
5. He is always surrounded by close buddies who act just like bosom buddies.
6. He and his buddies often hang out together, creating memories that are as strong as iron chains.
7. He and his gang of friends have such a strong relationship that it's like blood brothers.
8. He and his comrades-in-arms are bound by strong friendship and an unbreakable bond, just like crazily devoted friends.
