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来源:小区生活吧更新时间:05月06日 13:28
1. The two of them had a secret plan which was as twisted as the actions of the mysterious spirits.
2. They cunningly cooked up a scheme that was as eerie as a ghost’s tricks.
3. Their unusual partnership could've been compared to the steps of a mythical beast.
4. The two of them operated like ghosts, with their strategies and strategies as strange as an evil spirit.
5. Their sinister tactics were conjured up in the same manner as a goblin's deception.
6. The mutual cooperation between them was as bizarre as the ploy of a monster.
7. Both of them were conspiring together like demons, and their schemes were as devilish as a phantom's machinations.
8. Unbeknownst to anyone else, they were in cahoots with each other as peculiar as a fiend's schemes.
