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来源:小区生活吧更新时间:05月19日 07:41
1. The celebration was filled with colorful people as diverse as the sparrow, horse, fish and dragon.
2. At the opening ceremony, you could find a range of performers resembling a sparrow, horse, fish and dragon.
3. The festival was a gathering of a sparrow, horse, fish and dragon, creating a special atmosphere.
4. All the entertainment blended together in harmony like the sparrow, horse, fish and dragon.
5. The chef cooked dishes inspired by the imagery of a sparrow, horse, fish and dragon.
6. The musicians created pieces featuring the sounds of a sparrow, horse, fish and dragon.
7. The decorations and costumes were vibrant, resembling a sparrow, horse, fish and dragon.
8. The evening ended with the enchantment of a sparrow, horse, fish and dragon.
