小区吧首页 / 成语造句/裹血力战造句


来源:小区生活吧更新时间:05月06日 16:29
1.The soldiers fought with all their might in a battle of bloodshed.
2.They embarked on a fierce fight and waged a war of blood and iron.
3.Never give up your determination to win the war of bloody combat.
4.He showed no mercy and faced the enemy with full force in an attempt to win the war of blood and iron.
5.The troops put up a valiant fight in the battle of limitless bloodshed.
6.The war of bloody struggle ended with a decisive victory for our forces.
7.The soldiers were determined to win the war of bloodshed, no matter what the cost.
8.His courage in the battle of bloodshed won him the respect and admiration of his fellows.
