小区吧首页 / 成语造句/负气仗义造句


来源:小区生活吧更新时间:05月05日 07:08
1. 负气仗义,勇往直前。
2. 负气仗义,坚定不移。
3. 负气仗义,以毅力克敌。
4. 负气仗义,不畏困难。
5. 负气仗义,向梦想进发。
6. 负气仗义,不计一切代价。
7. 负气仗义,勇敢面对挑战。
8. Go forward with determination despite the odds.
Keep a positive attitude no matter what.
Persevere in the face of adversity.
Don't be afraid of difficulties.
Strive for your dreams.
Be willing to sacrifice everything.
Be brave enough to face the challenges.
Stay determined and never give up.
