小区吧首页 / 成语造句/拳中掿沙造句


来源:小区生活吧更新时间:05月19日 10:51
1. He's a master of kungfu, able to pluck grains of sand from the air.
2. His kungfu technique involves plucking grains of sand from his fist.
3. To demonstrate his skill, he demonstrated the ability to pick up single grains of sand with his fist.
4. His martial arts prowess is such that he can pluck grains of sand from his clenched fist.
5. He is said to be able to pick up grains of sand using nothing but a single finger.
6. He acquired the ability to pick up grains of sand from within his closed fists.
7. The skill of picking up grains of sand from his closed fist is known as "plucking sand from the fist".
8. His secret technique is to be able to pluck grains of sand from his bare hand.
