小区吧首页 / 成语造句/覆巢无完卵造句


来源:小区生活吧更新时间:05月05日 14:02
1. 本省教育事业覆巢无完卵。
2. 改革开放以来,近些年经济社会发展迅速,基础设施覆巢无完卵。
3. 救灾工作一直在进行中,几乎覆盖了半个国家,其规模之大,覆巢无完卵。
4. 小林姐姐在养花上有一定经验,成功繁花覆巢无完卵。
5. 交通建设正在大力推进,高速公路、桥梁、铁路等覆巢无完卵。
6. 在社会各界的宣传下,志愿者的捐助行为接踵而至,覆巢无完卵。
7. 游客们对这个旅游胜地充满了好奇,去往这里的人数覆巢无完卵。
8. 这里的事物范围甚广,形态各异,覆巢无完卵。
1. There are countless educational undertakings in our province.
2. Since the reform and opening up, the economic and social development has been rapid in recent years and infrastructure is ubiquitous.
3. The relief work has been going on, covering almost half of the country with an enormous scale.
4. Sister Xiaolin has some experience in growing flowers and has achieved a great success.
5. Traffic construction is being vigorously pushed forward and highways, bridges and railways are everywhere.
