小区吧首页 / 成语造句/归之若水造句


来源:小区生活吧更新时间:05月06日 07:53
1. The dust storm was gone as quickly as it had come, leaving only consequences that dissipated into nothingness as if it had never been.
2. Often, when trying to remember a great idea we had but has since been forgotten, it is as if it had been swept away like water.
3. After the fierce battle, the warriors retired from the field, returning to their respective homes as though it had been a mere trickling of water on the surface.
4. The aftermath of the fire was quickly snuffed out, leaving no trace that it had even occurred, like water flowing swiftly through freestones.
5. Despite the great upheaval of people's lives, all eventually settled back into its natural order, as if nothing had ever happened, like a river flowing peacefully downstream.
6. In the rush of modern life, moments of serenity and stillness pass by with little notice, as if they were merely ripples of water in a stream.
7. When the wind blew across the hills and valleys, the leaves simply rustled in response before settling back into perfect tranquility, vanishing back into nature as if like water.
8. After all the difficulties in life, one finally reaches a place of inner peace and equanimity, like the waters of a still lake, undisturbed and serene.
