小区吧首页 / 成语造句/悃愊无华造句


来源:小区生活吧更新时间:05月08日 14:33
1. The beauty of his soul is unique and pure, with no pomp or ostentation.
2. Her demeanor was serene and unadorned, radiating a tranquil contentment.
3. His attire was modest and humble, bearing an air of composure.
4. He wore a peaceful expression, free from the superficial show of luxury.
5. He spoke with a deep sincerity, exhibiting a simplicity often unseen.
6. His actions were calm and restrained, without any ornate extravagance.
7. His personality carried a graceful modesty, bereft of any embellishments.
8. His demeanor had an ineffable poise and serenity, reflecting his inner state of peace and tranquility.
