小区吧首页 / 成语造句/抠心挖肚造句


来源:小区生活吧更新时间:05月08日 14:56
1. He was so stingy that he even tried to cut all corners and dig out his heart and stomach.
2. He is a person who carefully picks apart all matters with a dissective eye and digs into his own heart and guts.
3. She reveals secrets, meticulously carving out the heart and stomach.
4. In pursuit of her career, she spares no effort to search her heart and soul.
5. He questioned himself deep in his heart and soul for his future plans.
6. He dug out his heart and stomach in order to pursue his ambition.
7. She chipped away at her beliefs from deep within her heart and bowels.
8. His ambition compelled him to ponder over his own principles and scrape out his heart and stomach.
