小区吧首页 / 成语造句/鲇鱼上竿造句


来源:小区生活吧更新时间:05月04日 08:40
1. The eel tried to climb up the pole but kept slipping back down.
2. The fisherman managed to catch a fish despite the difficulty of them trying to climb up the pole.
3. It's not easy to reach the top of the pole like a eel, even with a lot of effort.
4. Like a eel clinging to the pole, she refused to let go of her hopes and dreams.
5.He was determined to reach his goals no matter what, just like a eel clinging to the pole.
6.The eel kept climbing up the pole until it eventually reached the top.
7. No matter how difficult it seemed to climb up the pole, the eel didn't give up.
8. She refused to quit and keep pushing herself forward, like a eel trying to climb up the pole.
