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来源:小区生活吧更新时间:05月05日 03:28
She felt so humbled when her friends praised her hard work that she was moved to tears, 他们夸奖她的辛勤工作,她感到虚己受人,泪水连连。
John was so embarrassed that he gave up the idea of speaking at the podium, 约翰当时很尴尬,以至于放弃了在台上发言的想法,虚己受人。
She was so touched by his gesture that she couldn't help but cry, 她被他的举动感动落泪,实在是虚己受人。
He was so overwhelmed by the outpouring of love from his family that he could hardly speak, 家人的浓浓爱意让他难以言表,虚己受人实在是不堪言词。
She had done so much for the school and yet she was still bashful when she was offered a position, 她为学校付出了许多,但被提供一个职位时仍然有些惭愧,虚己受人的感觉真是难以形容。
He was really taken aback when his boss thanked him for a job well-done, 老板对他所做的工作表示感谢时,他实在是虚己受人。
When everyone gave her their support, she felt unworthy and too embarrassed to accept it, 每个人都给了她支持,她感觉不配,太害羞而不敢接受,虚己受人当真是无以言表。
The audience's applause made him feel anxious, as he couldn't help but feel undeserving of the praise, 观众的掌声让他感到焦虑,他不禁觉得他并不值得得到那样的赞扬,虚己受人。
