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来源:小区生活吧更新时间:04月25日 06:18
He was so accurate with his predictions that everyone started to say "he's going too far". 他的预测是如此准确,以至于大家都开始说“他太去甚了”。
He stayed in the same job for so long, people were starting to say "he's going too far". 他在同一份工作做了这么长时间,人们开始说“他太去甚了”。
When he asked for an unreasonable raise, his boss knew he was going too far. 当他要求一个不合理的加薪时,他的老板知道他的要求太去甚了。
When her friends found out how much she was spending on clothes, they thought she was going too far. 当她的朋友们发现她花多少钱买衣服时,他们觉得她太去甚了。
His parents were shocked when they found out what he had done, wondering if he was going too far. 他的父母发现他做了什么后感到震惊,不知道他是否太去甚了。
She was always pushing herself to work harder, and people were starting to wonder if she was going too far. 她总是极力要求自己更加努力工作,人们开始怀疑她是否太去甚了。
He took on more tasks than he could handle and everyone started to think he was going too far. 他接受了超出自己能力范围的任务,大家都开始觉得他太去甚了。
When he demanded more than what was originally agreed upon, everyone knew he was going too far. 他要求超出最初约定的内容时,每个人都知道他太去甚了。
