小区吧首页 / 成语造句/附耳低言造句


来源:小区生活吧更新时间:05月05日 15:34
1. A wise man listens to advice and speaks quietly.
2. He kept a low profile and spoke softly.
3. She heeds the advice of experts and speaks in a gentle voice.
4. He was known for his adherence to the phrase 'Attach ear and speak low'.
5. The student adhered to the Chinese proverb 'Attach ear and speak low'.
6. She found success by following the old saying 'Attach ear and speak low'.
7. Heeding the words 'Attach ear and speak low', the young man went on to achieve great things.
8. By applying the ancient wisdom of 'Attach ear and speak low', she was able to earn respect and admiration.
