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来源:小区生活吧更新时间:05月03日 14:52
1. 眉飞色舞 (mei fei se wu) - Smiles were exchanged in joy.
2. 一鼓作气 (yi gu zuo qi) - Everyone is working hard to achieve the goal.
3. 树大招风 (shu da zhao feng) - His reputation has spread far and wide.
4. 一叶障目 (yi ye zhang mu) - The truth is hidden from view.
5. 见异思迁 (jian yi si qian) - She had a change of heart after seeing something different.
6. 胆小如鼠 (dan xiao ru shu) - He was scared as a mouse.
7. 众口铄金 (zhong kou shuo jin) - Opinion is divided on the topic.
8. 分庭抗礼 (fen ting kang li) - There are two opposing sides.
