小区吧首页 / 成语造句/爱憎分明造句


来源:小区生活吧更新时间:05月03日 00:46
1. His attitude towards his colleagues is always clear cut - he either loves them or hates them.
2. She has a black and white view of the world - clearly distinguishing between right and wrong.
3. His moral code is very straightforward - either he approves or disapproves without hesitation.
4. His judgment of people is always easy to understand - no grey areas, just love and hate.
5. She is quite passionate in her likes and dislikes - no ambiguity or confusion.
6. His emotions are firmly divided - good and bad, love and hatred.
7. She has a sharp discernment - able to differentiate between the good and bad.
8. He has a strong sense of loyalty - those he loves are unshakably devoted to him.
