小区吧首页 / 成语造句/悬崕峭壁造句


来源:小区生活吧更新时间:05月05日 03:00
1. The mountain is steep and craggy, like a towering cliff.
2. She was standing on the edge of the precipice, her heart trembling in fear.
3. There was a deep chasm between us, as if a sheer cliff divided us.
4. I looked up at the jagged cliffs of the majestic mountain looming overhead.
5. He clung to the side of the sheer rock face, his muscles struggling against gravity.
6. In the far distance, a tall rocky wall rose up, its cliffs like daggers pointing towards the sky.
7. An eagle soared through the air high above the sharp precipice.
8. We gazed in awe at the towering cliff, its stark face silent and imposing.
