小区吧首页 / 成语造句/扑地掀天造句


来源:小区生活吧更新时间:05月03日 19:02
1. He is so powerful that it seems like he could overturn the sky and sweep the ground.
2. His voice was so loud that it felt like he was shaking the heavens and overturning the earth.
3. Tremendous amounts of energy burst forth from him - as if he could overturn the sky and sweep the ground.
4. He shouted so ferociously, he seemed to be able to overturn the sky and sweep the ground.
5. His strength was immense, as if he were about to overturn the sky and sweep the ground.
6. His anger was overwhelming, it felt like he could overturn the sky and sweep the ground.
7. His ability was such that it appeared that he could overturn the sky and sweep the ground.
8. His power was incredible, it felt like he had the potential to overturn the sky and sweep the ground.
