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来源:小区生活吧更新时间:05月03日 17:41
1. The boat rocked like a reed in the wind, fragile and vulnerable.
2. The tiny boat was swept away by the strong winds, dancing like a feather in the air.
3. Despite its small size, the boat still floated freely on the waves, just like a floating tile in the sky.
4. He sailed in his fragile boat, feeling as though he was in a vessel of paper and straw.
5. In the night sky, the frail boat looked almost ghostly, like a floating tile in midair.
6. His boat was so fragile, it felt like it could be blown away by the slightest breeze.
7. The boat was as light as a feather, and drifted along with the wind, like a floating tile in the heavens.
8. With nothing to grasp, his boat seemed like a straw boat on the ocean, floating like a floating tile in the sky.
