小区吧首页 / 成语造句/逆臣贼子造句


来源:小区生活吧更新时间:05月04日 08:04
1. He was a traitor and a despicable rebel.
2. His actions earned him the title of 'traitor and rebel'.
3. His ambition for power made him an infamous traitor and rebel.
4. His treacherous behavior made him an enemy of the state and a rebel.
5. He betrayed his country and was labeled as a traitor and rebel.
6. His treacherous acts branded him a villainous traitor and rebel.
7. He renounced his allegiance to his country and was deemed a disloyal traitor and rebel.
8. He defied his king, and thus became known as a disloyal traitor and rebel.
