小区吧首页 / 成语造句/曲径通幽造句


来源:小区生活吧更新时间:05月19日 11:25
1. The path leading to the secluded garden was winding and serene.
2. He took the path of serenity, following the twists and turns.
3. Deep in the woods, they stumbled upon a hidden path that led them to secret places.
4. Following the meandering path, they could feel the tranquility of the forest.
5. The peacefulness of the old path was a balm to their wearied souls.
6. Like a passage to another world, the winding path revealed its secrets little by little.
7. Quietly taking the path of seclusion, they experienced a sense of harmony.
8. We journeyed along the intangible path of serenity, known as “qu jing tong you.”
