小区吧首页 / 成语造句/凭城借一造句


来源:小区生活吧更新时间:05月03日 22:34
1. Cherry lent me a book on the condition of borrowing by using the city as a guarantee.
2. He borrowed some money from a friend by using the city as security.
3. She was able to secure a loan by using the city as collateral.
4. I was able to take out a loan by pledging the city as security.
5. They were able to borrow money from the bank by using the city as a guarantee.
6. He was able to get the loan he needed by relying on the city as collateral.
7. She was able to borrow the funds she needed by pledging the city as security.
8. We managed to get financing by relying on the city as a guarantee.
