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来源:小区生活吧更新时间:05月05日 20:46
1.The girl had a meek disposition and courteous manners, like a jasmine in her heart and an orchid in her character.
2.With a jasmine in her heart and an orchid in her character, she was well-loved by everyone.
3.To her friends, she was as humble and gentle as a jasmine in her heart and an orchid in her character.
4.Her devotion to others could be compared to a jasmine in her heart and an orchid in her character.
5.She had a tender heart like a jasmine and a graceful nature like an orchid.
6.Her kindness was as exquisite as a jasmine in her heart and an orchid in her character.
7.Her selfless caring for others was portrayed in the metaphor of a jasmine in her heart and an orchid in her character.
8.The gentleness and humility of the girl could be described by the phrase 'jasmine in her heart and an orchid in her character'.
