小区吧首页 / 成语造句/逆耳良言造句


来源:小区生活吧更新时间:05月04日 12:12
1. He gave me a word of advice which was totally the opposite of what I expected.
2. His advice flew in the face of my expectations; it was truly a case of 'Nie Er Liang Yan'.
3. In this situation, his counsel went against the grain, yet proved to be correct.
4. Even though his suggestion defied belief, it was ultimately the right course of action.
5. I was initially taken aback by his unexpected opinion, but it eventually proved to be sound"
6. Who would have guessed that 'Nie Er Liang Yan' would turn out to be the best solution?
7. When he spoke, his words cut contrary to my preconceived notions, and yet they were wise.
8. He offered a 'Nie Er Liang Yan', which was not what I wanted to hear but ultimately proved to be beneficial.
