小区吧首页 / 成语造句/鬼出电入造句


来源:小区生活吧更新时间:05月06日 07:48
1. When the electricity suddenly went out, it was like a ghost coming in and taking over.
2. When the ghostly intruder appeared, the electricity was gone in an instant.
3. I was shocked when the lights suddenly flickered off, it was as if the ghost had entered.
4. As soon as the ghostly entity arrived, electricity was switched off as if it was never there.
5. It was as if the ghost crept in and turned off the power with a single breath.
6. The eerie darkness due to the sudden power cut gave me a chill, it felt as if a ghost had taken over.
7. An ethereal presence manifested itself, and the electricity seemed to hide behind it.
8. That moment, the lights were switched out of existence - it was as if a ghost had come in and taken control.
