小区吧首页 / 成语造句/鞍不离马背,甲不离将身造句


来源:小区生活吧更新时间:05月03日 10:46
1. A saddle cannot be far from a horse's back, nor a helmet from a soldier's head.
2. The horseman's armor never leaves him, just as the saddle never removes itself from the horse's back.
3. It's said that the saddle stays loyal to the horse's back and the soldier's armour remains with him.
4. The phrase "Saddle apart from the horse's back or helmet from the soldier's body" means that the two are inseparable.
5. They say that the saddle will never depart from the horse's back, nor the helmet from a soldier.
6. Just like the horse and its back, the soldier and his armour must stay together.
7. As the proverb says, the saddle belongs to the horse's back, and the helmet to the soldier's body.
8. The old saying goes, a saddle never strays from a horse's back, and armour never leaves a soldier's side.
